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This post inspired by dad who decided – out of the blue – to make a ‘from scratch’ homemade chicken pot pie for dinner.    Dad used to own a restaurant so the recipe is all in his head.  Not bad for an 81 yr old huh? 😀


He made the filling. Luscious and creamy chicken filling. Yum!
I could eat this on its own, no pie crust needed.

The pie crust was made (sorry, didn’t catch pics of that process) and filling spooned in.   Note that he’s packing it all in. LOVE overstuffed pie filling.

Egg washing the crust before adding the top crust.

Patting the top crust on to ‘secure’ it to the pie.
(sorry the pic was blurry – he was constantly spinning it around – he’s quick!)

Trimming the top crust.
(Again, another action shot as he spun & trimmed super quick)

Egg washing the top to ensure the crust gets a nice golden colour.


If only I could attach a smell with this pic. Heaven!
See how well the egg wash worked?

Look at the filling oozing out.
Trust me, it was just as tasty as leftovers the day after.

Have you made your own homemade pot pie? How did it turn out?

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