
Discovered that someone (dad or my sis) purchased nectarines this past week. Want to know how I found out? They were a liquidy mush at the bottom of the fruit drawer. Ick. I tossed 3 of them then cleaned up the mess. That makes me sad. I try to slice off the icky parts of fruits and freeze them to use in a smoothie later on. These nectarines didn’t even get a chance. RIP poor lil nectarines.

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)