You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2012.

Coffee.  What is it about this stuff that people just love?! I, myself, admit that I’m addicted. The sound of it brewing somehow excites me, alerting me to the fact that something tasty is nearby.  The intoxicating aroma, the delicate notes that hit all the different areas on your tongue with each sip.  It comes in different roasts and flavours. Way too many choices. This is all before the extras one can add to enhance their experience.

The coffee supply store where I buy our K-Cups offers each customer a chance to try any K-Cup from an open box (they sell both, single cups and boxes as well as any other coffee/tea related paraphernalia imaginable).  Knowing this, I purposely try a flavour/brand I’d never consider buying let alone committing to a box.

Today’s choice – Sweet Summer Raspberry.  How bad could it be right? After all, I love coffee and I love raspberries.  What I was not prepared for was the fact that I’d be in sheer delight and giddy with glee as I inhaled the intoxicating aromas while waiting for it to brew.   Finally after a torturous 30 second wait, came the first sip.  The taste danced across my tongue seriously leaving me wanting more.  The clerk passing by asked if I was alright because I kept sniffing my cup and taking non stop tiny sips – taking it all in.  She caught a whiff of which cup I was trying and revealed how this has become a secret love hers as well.   I’ve tried other flavoured coffees but this one was BANG. ON. Luscious and bold scent of fresh raspberries.  Comforting coffee taste that I love paired with a subtle, lingering raspberry aftertaste.   I would’ve instantly bought a box but it wasn’t what I was there to buy nor in the budget.

Now I sit here watching TV,  continuing to sip on the same sweet cup of coffee, longing for another cup.  How that one cup made it home is beyond me!

What do you love about coffee? Are there any suggestions of other flavours I should try?

As I was getting ready for bed, doing my usual ‘before bed routine’ (prep for the following day), I discovered I was out of ground coffee. It only takes about 5 mins to grind the upcoming week’s batch so I went for it. Who cares that it was almost midnight right??  It needed to be done.  So, I dumped the last of the whole beans into the grinder, including all the lil crumbs from the bottom of the bag. After all, coffee is coffee!    As I was placing the lid on the grinder, I thought I saw a coffee bean move. Due to the time, I chalked it up to being tired and proceeded to snap the lid on again. This time, I swore I saw not just one, but FOUR beans moving!! I un-popped the lid and stared at the beans. They WERE moving!! *ick*  Lil brown coffee bean coloured bugs all wiggling about.  Needless to say, I dumped entire batch, washed out the grinder and opened up a fresh bag that was sealed from the manufacturer. (the last bag was just clipped closed in the cupboard)

So tomorrow, I need to go and buy more OXO Pop Up containers – these things are AWESOME – and begin to sort through the dried food/powdered pantry items and either purge or transfer to their new air tight homes.  I hope to NOT find too many contaminated food items not b/c I don’t want to have to encounter more of these bugs (ie the source of them – ick again) but more so b/c I hate throwing away food. Its such a waste!

My biggest challenge – dealing with dad about all of this. He will deny that there are pantry bugs to begin with and fight me on using the new food storage containers vs his method – using whatever jar is around after its been washed out. Pickles, mayo, jam jars – you name it, we’re using it to store dried food items much to my dismay.

FYI – the beans now reside in their own OXO Pop Up in the cupboard (

What are your experiences with pantry bugs? How did you rid yourself of them?

Mmm….gotta love those days where you can actually sleep in without any guilt  nor bolting upright in panic as to why the house is eerily quiet. (I’ll admit it, its actually kind of awesome!)   I give many thanks to my darling husband since he let me sleep in while he was on ‘first watch’.

Usually I’m up as soon as I hear dad get up. Its almost like a natural instinct. A motherly instinct.  You see, I have this mindset of as long as I’m up while he’s up – should something go awry – I’ll be around to ‘be there’ for it.   Odd you think? I guess but ever since dad had his TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack OR aka mini stroke) two years back, I’ve become his unofficial ‘keeper’.  He’s basically recovered back to his usual self though its taken just over the better part of 2 years. He’s pretty much independent once again but this time around in life, he seems to need someone watching over him in the background ‘just in case’ something goes awry, though he’ll stubbornly tell you that he ‘doesn’t need anyone to watch him!’.  However, I do take a lil comfort in knowing that he knows that there is always someone is there for him.

So, this lovely gal not only got to stay up very, very, VERY late watching TV but also got to sleep in BIG TIME on this lovely overcast day. I think she’s going to enjoy the rest of her day puttering about the house, watching TV with her darling husband and sipping coffee.  Totally a lazy & relaxing day.

Don’t you just love lazy Sundays?

Test. Test. *taps mic* Is this thing on?

Hello everyone! This is my first post of my new blog.  Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read.   I’m still pretty new to this blogging thing.  Hopefully myliladventures will entertain & amuse.

Again, thank you for stopping by 🙂

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