You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2012.

FoodWasteFriday The only victim this week has been a very sad clementine.  We bought a lil mesh bag of them and well, since its a sealed bag, you can’t remove the one that you think will spoil sooner then the rest.  Needless to say, we forgot about it when we got home so it didn’t get removed. Until I put my thumb through it by accident reaching for the clementine next to it. YUM!

Not bad after a of non stop frenzy of shopping with dad who claimed ‘We don’t need anything. Nothing to buy!’ then managed to coerce me into visiting 3 different grocery stores within the same day and allowing him to buy 3 shopping carts worth of meats/proteins & produce.

FYI – we just went grocery shopping again today at his fave grocery store and well…another full cart and then some came home with us.  Talk about kicking my brain into high gear about eating/using up everything we bought before next Friday! Wish me luck. 😉

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

The skies seem to be brighter.  The air seems cleaner, fresher and crisper. Its more pleasant to be outside vs having to run from building to car to home etc while constantly keeping over hydrated and SPF’d all day long.  Oddly enough, I can’t wait to get outside and take more walks or rake the leaves in the fresh air and sunshine.


fall (Photo credit: eschipul)

(Actually, I love being able to enjoy all four seasons throughout the year.)

Time to bust out the familiar and cozy sweaters, long sleeved tee’s and comfy jeans.  As Rachel Ray used to say – its the time of year we can stop watching what we eat because we can hide underneath bulky fall clothing. Hey, its an excuse to go shopping right?

How true is that especially since this is the time of year that meals become heartier – hello chili, hearty soups & stews! – as well as baked goods.  Apple & pumpkin everything!  Y’all know I’ve got the bundt cake thing down pat 😉  Then you have the onslaught of holidays – Thanksgiving, Hallowe’en, Christmas…..all holidays based on food.  Mmm!

I”m sure the list goes on….what are your favourite things about fall? Do you love it or hate it?


Hmm…what to say, what to say? Unfortunately its not the 4th week of no waste.  I do believe dad found an old” Lindt Intense Orange” chocolate bar that was in a novelty wooden bird house that was gifted to us TWO years ago!   Needless to say, the orange chocolate bar is all melted and contorted and definitely not worth the risk of eating.   Also found in the fridge, take out sizes of salad dressings that you get when you buy the grocery store made salads.  Yeah…those were eons old as well.

Glad to report that the stuff I tossed wasn’t ‘fresh’ and purchased recently. Phew!

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)


While out and about trying to catch up on forgotten errands…I remembered this promo going on at Tim Horton’s.  Its their annual ‘Smile Cookie’ campaign.  Remembering that the proceeds from each cookie purchased goes towards a local charity, I picked up two (one for me and one for the – and still sickly – hubster) to help  and do our part to donate.  Its a chocolate chunk cookie with icing piped on. I must’ve lucked out as I managed to get two cookies with legible ‘smiles’ and that were over piped.  Trust me…there were quite some questionable ‘smiles’ on some of the cookies available LOL

“From September 17th to 23rd, 2012, the entire proceeds from the sale of our Smile Cookies will be donated to local charities, hospitals and community programs from coast to coast.”

I will admit…it was mighty tasty with a cup of tea after dinner for dessert. I’m almost tempted to say that it was dessert without the guilt 😉

Read more information about the Smile Cookie campaign and see who the money will help  here.


I am proud to share that this will be the third week of reporting no waste – YAY! – but having said that, I’m still sick (and was even kind enough to share with the hubster ;)) and most of my energy has been focused on things that needed to be done.   Darting in and out of the grocery store has been my MO this week vs the usual tour that I normally do – with list in hand – while scoping out bargains and remembering things that I forgot to put on my list.

I did take dad  out to run a few errands yesterday and we popped into the grocery store so he could pick up his desired items that apparently I wasn’t remembering.  So now the fridge is overflowing with fresh produce….I guess he didn’t appreciate the ‘bare look’ as much as I did LOL

So how did you fare this week? What did you end up tossing?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

Who seriously likes feeling run down or under the weather?  I am not one that person.   I guess its due to my daily ‘hurry up and wait’ to ‘go, go, go!’ lifestyle that I’ve become accustomed to that has helped land me in this position. Too much ‘go, go, go!’ and not enough down time if you ask me.

This past week has literally knocked the wind out of my sails.  I wish I could say that I knew what it feels like to be a sick mom that has to keep chugging along to keep others in line but I can’t. I am not a mom. But I am keeper of dad who is very much like my dependent.    Though not 100% floored by the allergy-cold/cold-flu thing I’ve caught, I’ve still managed to do the bare minimum needed around the house in between a lot of cat naps and couch surfing including: getting the hubster to and from work while packing his day’s food & coffee daily, buying groceries as needed, getting laundry done and meals some sort of food cooked.  Huge props go to the inventor of the crockpot 😉

I will admit the one bonus to being this sick is not having to do the rest of the stuff that I already did do as part of my day and getting to vege on the couch.  I even managed to watch a movie! The Vow – great movie, based on a true story to boot. Warmed my heart despite having to rewind often and watch in 15-20 min chunks. Good thing it was on the PVR.   I’m sure the book is a million times better as I find a lot of small details get lost in translation when being made into a Hollywood movie.

Not much else happened this week. I managed to get the darling hubster in to see my family doctor and he is now a patient – there’s a shortage of family doctors accepting new patients around here in case you’re wondering.  The day after he was registered, he caught my allergy-cold/cold-flu thing.  Fortunately for him, his body is able to process it much quicker then mine. Within 36 hours, he’s gone through everything I have in the past 5 days and counting. How is that fair?!   This was a short week since Monday was a holiday (Labour Day) thus resulting in me trying to catch up on laundry (travel laundry  no less) and other necessary chores around the house in between naps.

So this post is dedicated to all you Super Moms out there that just seem to get things done no matter how down and out y’all are. Oh and to the beloved crockpot as well.  You both rock 🙂


I’m proud to announce that this is our second Friday in a row without food waste!! 🙂   With Monday being a holiday (Labour Day) helped to keep in mind that we had to use up x, y & z before leaving as well as being conscious to not ‘over buy’ at the grocery store upon our return.

To be honest, I actually kinda like the bare fridge look.  I mean when I’ve browsed blogs and they’ve shown how organized their fridges were, it kinda make me wonder where their food was and what they actually ate.  Now…with gaps between jars/containers and bare shelves showing – I still see full meals that can be made up with what few items we do have in there. Odd huh?

Anyhow, I’ll chalk this week up to a success! Plus being sick as a dog and not wanting to go grocery shopping really helped me to only pick up the ‘necessities’. Again, another eye opening experience for me.

So how did you fare this week? What did you end up tossing?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste.

Last week was a bit of a hairy week for our household. Always on the run, things weren’t going as planned and people being later then anticipated.  I guess the wear and tear of it was starting to show on me.  We had dinner all prepped at home ready to be eaten but instead the wonderful hubster decided to treat us to an impromptu date night.   Nothing fancy, just a meal out where we didn’t have to cook nor clean for it.   Sometimes a change in your daily routine is needed and in this case, I definitely wasn’t going to argue! 🙂

See, nothing fancy. Just  a nice tasty, juicy burger with fries and gravy.
Good old comfort food (and no, I did not eat it all!)

The portions are very generous at this restaurant therefore we never order dessert. Having said that, the waitress informed us that we were going to be getting dessert to which we cried out holding our full tummies trying to decline.  She kept insisting while trying to tempt us.

Then she said the magic words:
You’re getting dessert FREE and TO GO to enjoy later.
We were sold!

I chose some sort of a coconut cupcake.

The hubster chose some sort a tuxedo mousse cheesecake.

Not bad for an impromptu date night right?

Have you gone on any dates lately?

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