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All my life, my parents have always shopped at the local BBQ meats store when we needed (or wanted) some vs making it at home and it just occured to me now how artsy and oddly picturesque their display windows actually are. All the stores seem to have the same set up offering roast suckling pig, duck, Chinese BBQ style wings, squid, BBQ pork etc.


Oddly pretty? Or just making you hungry?

You decide 🙂

Yes, yes…I know, Father’s Day has already come and gone. But I couldn’t NOT share our feast with y’all.  We kept it very low key this year.  In fact so low key, we decided on a simple WINGFEST!


We grilled up a ton of wings (plain) then gave the options of various sauces that you could either dip or use to smother your wings.

(Sauces were: honey mustard, BBQ, chipitole/pineapple/mango, buffalo and of course blue cheese)


For appetizers, we had french baguette w/brie (not pictured – sorry), shrimp with cocktail sauce (again, not pictured – double sorry!)  as well as grilled asparagus: both plain and wrapped in prosciutto.  Uh, yeah…about those. They went so quick, I had to take a pic of the one left on my plate LOL Who knew they’d be such a hit?!


Served with the wings & various sauces were steamed veggies and taters both done up on the grille.


But lastly – can’t leave out the action shot which also shows that we had grilled lobsters! My sis thought it’d be a nice touch and brought them over last minute. Lil did she know how large our feast truly was LOL

For dessert we had a store bought apple pie which unfortunately wasn’t anything to write home about. Everyone claimed they were too full from the feast to even dig into the pie so us siblings all took a bite or two out of one slice. Dad on the other hand enjoyed it as apple pie is his ultimate favourite when it comes to dessert.

All in all, everyone had a wonderful time gathering over a mega tasty and fulfilling meal.  I hope y’all had a wonderful Father’s Day.

My family decided to gather to celebrate Father’s Day a day early in case the festivities ran later into the evening as planned. My sister hosted a BBQ to also celebrate everyone’s birthday as well.

Seeing that I like to bake & let my “inner domestic goddess” out once in a while, I tried to find a dessert that would be worthy. My sister is currently on a gluten free/lactose free diet so I hunted the interwebz for a suitable dessert. Everything I came across called for all those specialty ingredients necessary for gluten free baking.

Then I ran across this recipe for a Gluten Free Pumpkin Applesauce Bundt Cake.  I mean, who doesnt love a bundt cake?! The shape in itself speaks volumes especially since it seems that the bundt has long since been forgotten.


This is how I started…


…which then turned into this yummy goodness…


…which then turned out like this for the final product.   My entire family “Ooooh’ed” and “Aaahhh’ed” when I placed this on the table and told them what it was.  I had only baked with rice flour once before and it was a flop.  I was not feeling the most confident.  My sister was delighted that it was gluten free so that she’d get to eat dessert as well.  That made me happy.


Actually, THIS made me most happy.  Everyone decided to try the cake vs the store bought apple turnovers she had bought for dessert.  Success!! I can’t wait to try this recipe again with a few suggested tweaks even though everyone said they liked it how it was made tonight.

Talk about me being one happy girl! 🙂

Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there!

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