You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2013.


No waste again!  Woohoo – lets see if I can keep this up for next week. I did use up ‘iffy’ veggies by dicing them up really fine and adding to my tomato sauce for pasta. Worked like a charm and added a new twist on an old favourite.

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

All my life, my parents have always shopped at the local BBQ meats store when we needed (or wanted) some vs making it at home and it just occured to me now how artsy and oddly picturesque their display windows actually are. All the stores seem to have the same set up offering roast suckling pig, duck, Chinese BBQ style wings, squid, BBQ pork etc.


Oddly pretty? Or just making you hungry?

You decide 🙂

Hehehe! I was in Target the other day and caught a glimpse of these tee’s.  Not sure if they were for the teens or women in general but I thought they were just TOO cute not to share.



Have I mentioned that I’m a big Hello Kitty fan? 🙂

Canada Day weekend is usually when the city holds its annual Ribfest.  The hubster and I decided we’d go this year but during the afternoon hours while the vast majority of the people would be at work still or tending to family duties etc first.  We were aiming for that little window between post lunch and pre-dinner.  We’re both not a fan of crowds.  Luckily for us, there was a huge summer storm/mega downpour while the hubster was at work and ended around the time I went to pick him up and head out to the Ribfest.  As a result, we had the entire place to ourselves.  Could we possibly have been more giddy with glee? 🙂

See. I kid you not. Empty fields.

The promotional staff that were giving away freebies were giving us more then our ‘one sample per customer’ as they needed to meet their quota.  Must’ve been a really high quota set for the day and I sure as heck wasn’t going to complain! Especially since they were giving away full sized rolls of Bounty paper towels 😉


No line up’s. No need to fend off/deal with other ravenous rib fiends.


Some of the vendors were so bored, they were singing along and dancing to the radio’s they had going behind their counter.


After the hubster and I gathered some ribs from EVERY vendor (yes, I said EVERY vendor – I believe there were 16 competing?) was when people started appearing figuring the rain was finally done.


Some of the ribs are shown here.  (Don’t mind dad photo bombing the rib pic with his boiled eggs 😉 )

Along with the gluttony of ribs, I had prepared both coleslaw and potato salad to keep up with the theme.  The plethora of ribs did feed everyone here at the house (all 3 of us) but then we had friends and other family join in as well. It was fun to host our own ribfest at home but by no means were we able to try all the ribs in one sitting/night.  We had ribs almost every night for the week!   We have our favourites noted on paper so next year we can all just head to our favourite vendors and be done with it LOL No more over indulging!

Anyone else like ribs?


So far, so good this week. No waste! 🙂

I decided to stop bringing in so much fresh produce and use up what we have in order to avoid waste. I love fresh fruits and veggies but not when we can’t get through them fast enough. I do however dislike having to go grocery shopping more then once a week if I can help it.  We also thawed some leftover previously cooked chicken to use up but not enough for everyone to eat as an entree. I decided to chop it up and turn it into chicken salad which did end up feeding all of us via sammies.  Love it when things come together.

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

Yes, yes…I know, Father’s Day has already come and gone. But I couldn’t NOT share our feast with y’all.  We kept it very low key this year.  In fact so low key, we decided on a simple WINGFEST!


We grilled up a ton of wings (plain) then gave the options of various sauces that you could either dip or use to smother your wings.

(Sauces were: honey mustard, BBQ, chipitole/pineapple/mango, buffalo and of course blue cheese)


For appetizers, we had french baguette w/brie (not pictured – sorry), shrimp with cocktail sauce (again, not pictured – double sorry!)  as well as grilled asparagus: both plain and wrapped in prosciutto.  Uh, yeah…about those. They went so quick, I had to take a pic of the one left on my plate LOL Who knew they’d be such a hit?!


Served with the wings & various sauces were steamed veggies and taters both done up on the grille.


But lastly – can’t leave out the action shot which also shows that we had grilled lobsters! My sis thought it’d be a nice touch and brought them over last minute. Lil did she know how large our feast truly was LOL

For dessert we had a store bought apple pie which unfortunately wasn’t anything to write home about. Everyone claimed they were too full from the feast to even dig into the pie so us siblings all took a bite or two out of one slice. Dad on the other hand enjoyed it as apple pie is his ultimate favourite when it comes to dessert.

All in all, everyone had a wonderful time gathering over a mega tasty and fulfilling meal.  I hope y’all had a wonderful Father’s Day.

A while back, a girlfriend and I snuck off to have lunch together and decided to try this place. She managed to find a deal voucher for it so it was an even more attractive lunch option. From the moment we walked in, it looked like a tiny lil hole in the wall however I learned that this restaurant is a actually a chain with a second location in the city. In my experience, those lil tiny holes in the wall usually offer super duper fantastic food 😉  I believe we chose this place because it was touted as authentic Mexican food vs the North Americanized fast food options out there.

20130812-181134.jpgWe shared an appetizer called Choriqueso which was Mexican ground sausage

with melted mozzarella cheese on top. Served with tortilla’s.

20130812-181156.jpgI had something called “Huarache” which was a toasted oval corn tortilla served

with refried beans, beef (other options were pork or chicken), topped with diced

onions, cilantro and mozzarella cheese.

20130812-181238.jpgTwo choices of hot sauce! Red was the hotter option and as much as I loved it,

I think I preferred the more mellow but really rounded flavourful green hot sauce.

My Huarache left a lot to be desired. I wonder if it had been made fresh with freshly diced and cooked ingredients it wouldn’t have been so sad?  The beef was shredded style but dry, possibly leftover from another day?  I did have to ask for more cilantro and onions as there wasn’t much on top and since i was already asking for modifications, I asked for a lot of lime wedges which were also dry but that did the trick to moisten everything up and bump up the flavour to where it should have been.

The Choriqueso sounded like it was going to be amazing, I mean c’mon – how can you screw up flavourful Mexican ground sausage with cheese? Same problem,  it was very dry and I suspect the meat was cooked the day before as well.    The hot sauces did seal the deal for me as it helped to save both menu items that I ordered.  For the love of me, I can not remember what my girlfriend had – some sort of taco trio, possibly the soft taco’s?  I do recall she had felt the same and thought things were ‘dry’.

Overall, I wasn’t impressed with this restaurant partly due to the fact that the menu was rather limited. As in you can only have 4 things from the menu because there wasn’t enough turn over at this location to warrant making a certain menu item however no notice was posted. Each time we tried to order something, we were politely told ‘No, we don’t have that available today.’ Kind of off putting to a foodie don’t you think?!  Even Diet Coke or Sprite wasn’t available despite the signage posted all around.  They only had Coca-Cola available but she never mentioned that. I did ask for bottled Nestle water and was given a glass of tap water.

So, would I go back and give this place another try, sadly no. I’d rather go to Taco Bell.  I do give it props for having simplistic cute authentic decor using real Mexican art/craft items vs kitchy stuff found at Party City.   The restaurant was visibly clean though small and the person running the location we visited was very polite despite having to run the entire place on her own: take out side, dining room and the kitchen.  Sorry Rebozos, not impressed.

If you’d like to check out Rebozos for yourself, please visit their website here.

Been busting my rear trying to ensure we do not waste food in this house this week. Have turned leftovers into planned-overs, used them up any way possible or just threw them into the freezer. Despite my efforts, there’s still waste.  Doesn’t help that the darling hubster had wonky work hours this week and I was sick for a couple of days.

Wasted: a produce sized bag of mini croissants which had some sort of sweet filling inside which is odd because I had asked the bakery if they were plain croissants with no filling,  they said they were. WRONG.  That cost me $3 – well maybe not the whole $3 as we did manage to eat a few but they were pushed to the back of the shelf to die.  Found all molded today.  Ick.  Also tossed out, 1/2 of each leftover grilled taters & peppers from a week ago.  I only tossed b/c I didn’t think it was safe to eat – it doesn’t smell but why take the chance? And half a pint of blueberries – I picked through them and used the good ones up in a smoothie 🙂

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

We had house guests last weekend therefore we stocked up on extra groceries so we could avoid the costly yet convenient eating out trap.  I had plenty of things on hand that were easy to whip up with minimal time that was family friend to both families.  The only waste – not pictured – was a bag of coleslaw that was dressed. It doesn’t keep more then a day or two and well, it was made Saturday evening and thought of again on Tuesday night.  It had that ‘smell’ so we just tossed it to be safe. Probably about 3 cups worth. Better safe then sorry right?

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

Boy – where does the time go? I knew I was missing in action but not to the extent that I have been.  I do apologize!  Just been busy trying to find balance in my life again with the new pup. We seemed to have found a way into a rhythm and I’m finally coming up for air.   Last Friday (7/26/13) I had no food waste to report but this week, yowzas! Heck, I even snagged a pic for y’all.

Wasted are: strawberries, lychees and one lonely lime.   The strawberries were found hiding at the very back of the shelf despite there being less volume of food in the fridge – still trying to keep it less full after the big power outage.  *thumbs up* The lychees we had just purchased the day before and thats what I found in the fridge the next morning.  I guess we got a bad batch? And the lime – I didn’t even know we had any! LOL


How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

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