
Wow time has flown. Life as a new mama and full time caregiver is hard to balance let alone find any time for yourself!  Though I haven’t been posting/checking in, there has been very minimal food waste. This week’s food waste seems huge to me. 😦

* slice of pizza from Pizza Hut (this hurts more b/c it was take out pizza!)

* a somewhat dehydrated lemon

* 1/2 of a mushy cucumber

* 1 portion of salad (from the weekly tub)

* 1/2 jar of salsa (pushed into the death pit aka back of the fridge)

* 1 cup cranberry homemade cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving (Canadian and dad figured there was no more use for it after the big day, he dumped it! Hello? Leftovers need love too!)

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)