You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2013.

Thought I was doing great this week….everything seemed in order. No funky leftovers hiding in tuppeware, fridge had gaps on the shelves so I could clearly see everything. No rotting fruit in drawer then when I went grab a carrot to add to my crockpot soup, I saw it.  Black, slimy carrots in the bag. E to the W.  I just tossed the remainder of the bag – about 1lb left from a 3lb bag. We just bought that bag about 2 weeks ago so there must’ve been water in the bag? (from the mister that sits over the produce section)  Other then that….we’re doing great 🙂

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

This morning I decided to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather by cleaning out and re-organizing my trunk. I mean, who’d want to that when its dark and gloomy out right? Plus the hubster and I are considering using the trunk to load the pup in and out of the car which means he’d not only need a path to the backseat but we need to find a way to protect things stored back there from him.  No more open bins of windshield washer fluid and car cleaning wipes.

Look at this old school gem that I found. I howled when I realized what it was. Who remembers buying this when it had this packaging?


Maybe I need to focus on cleaning out my trunk a wee bit more often? 😉


Absolutely no waste this week.  After last week’s laundry list, I was ‘on it’ this week. Constantly trying to use up leftovers and keeping the fridge neat & tidy.  It worked! 🙂

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

While the hubster and I were in the Bulk Barn (bulk food store) picking up a few ingredients (plus treats – ha!) he stopped to check out the bags of chips they were selling. These aren’t your run of the mill chips like Lays or Tostito’s.  We’d never even heard of this brand before: Blair’s Death Rain.  Then we saw that they were habanero pepper flavoured chips.  Hubster was completely sold on trying these as every chip that has claimed to be ‘hot’ or ‘spicy’ was in fact not. He figured these would be the same. Erm. No. Let’s just say that I had 1/2 of a small chip and immediately gave the other half to the hubster to finish. It started off as a slow salty/vinegary heat then kept growing from there. From that one bite, I felt ‘warm’ for at least 45 minutes.   Now don’t get me wrong, I like food with flavour and somewhat spicy food.  This type of insane spicy – not so much.  And apparently not for the hubster either as he admitted to only having 4 more chips after the 1/2 chip I gave him.  He can usually take anything super spicy.  Poor guy!

If you love to get your pain on via endorphin rush after eating hot/spicy food – then these may be for you.


They do offer other flavours of chips. For more info, visit their website:

Disclaimer: I have not been paid/compensated for this post – just sharing a hot chip find 😉

I feel our summer was a bit ‘off’ this year with a few stretches of hot, hazy and humid days and hot sunny days.  One day it was hot and the next you needed fall clothes. What gives Mother Nature?  Feeling nostalgic for a good old traditional summer, I decided to make these popsicles.   They sounded non typical, refreshing and summery tasty 😀

What I threw into the blender:
* 1 can coconut milk (not coconut water)
* 1/2c – 1c water
* juice of one lime
* 4 large’ish basil leaves
* healthy squirt of agave syrup

Blend until everything is well incorporated and smooth. Adjust ingredients to suit your taste preferences. I opted for less water so it’d be richer and creamier and put in as much lime zest I could grate off and added a bit more basil because I like bold flavours. I opted for a tiny squirt of agave b/c I didn’t want it to be too sickly sweet.  Pour into popsicle makers and let set/freeze overnight.

And there you have it, the beautifully tasty outcome.  These were very quick and easy to make with ingredients I already had on hand. Yum!

So…I was out and about running errands when something caught my eye. Nail polish.  OPI nail polish to be exact. At the local Dollarama.  If you know the price of these, you’ll probably understand why I was shocked.  These normally retail for about $10 CDN. At the Dollarama, they were going for $3.  It was very hard for me to resist but I did manage – like I need another bottle of nail polish like I need another hole in my head!  But I have been thinking about them. Often.  And each time I’m the Dollarama, I do have to walk by to make sure they’re still being sold for $3 LOL 😉

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Has anyone else seen these in their Dollarama? Or tried them?


Gah! I think I jinxed myself this week. The entire week just seems to have been slightly “off” if you know what I mean. So with that “off” feeling comes waste. All of the following items were found CRAMMED at the back of the fridge….possibly left to die. A moment of silence please. *bows head*

Here’s the laundry list:
* 2 medium salads from KFC
* 1/2 pint strawberries
* 1-1/2 pints blueberries
* 1 moldy nectarine
* 1/2 of a 2lb bag of baby carrots – slime and all
* 2 red bell peppers

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

Nutella Nails?

[Stumbled upon this last week and wish I could remember where I found it so I could cite the source. This is not my image. I hate when that happens!]

I was searching for some nail inspiration and motivation then stumbled upon this and thought it was kinda cool. More so if you’re a Nutella fan. I mean, I like the stuff but I’m not on the whole ‘Nutella everything’ bandwagon which seems to be the latest fad right now. C’mon…this stuff’s been around for eons! But nonetheless, loved the creativity here. Don’t you?

BTW: I won’t be painting my nails like this anytime soon 😉


Woo -to-the-hoo! No waste this week. I feel like I’m on a hot streak! To be honest, I really haven’t done any grocery shopping. I made a mid week run for banana’s and lettuce so they’re far from getting close to being wasted.  😀

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

In need of an afternoon pick me up.

Chai Latte OR Raspberry Chocolate Truffle?


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