You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2014.


Going into this week, I knew my mother in law was coming to visit with us for a few days so I prepped the fridge accordingly. Made us eat up all the leftovers and prepped a tub of salad so it was at the ready for meals eaten at home.  I turned some really brown banana’s into oatmeal banana bread muffins. The real big helper, not doing my usual weekly produce run to re-stock the fridge post clean out. We kinda figured we’d be eating out often enough during my mother in law’s visit and didn’t want produce sitting and not being used.

So I guess there were no victims this week – I’m totally OK with that! 🙂

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

Guess it’s time to come clean huh? The reason I haven’t been very active with the blog lately (with the exception of Food Waste Friday’s) is due to the fact that life has thrown me quite the curve ball and I’m still trying to adjust and learn as we move forward.  If you recall, back in July of 2013 our family expanded with the addition of our new puppy.    Then in September, the hubster and I discovered that our family was going to be expanding again. That’s right folks, guess who’s preggo? 🙂

Fast forward to today – I’m feeling much more comfortable sharing this news after having survived the first trimester and am nearing the end of the second.  Everything is good to go.  Both mommy & baby to be are healthy.  Our baby boy is due to make his grand entrance into our world sometime in May 2014.    I have totally been suffering from a severe case of ‘mommy brain’.  You know, having the complete ability and ease of forgetting everything and anything you were just told or thought of two seconds ago.  Nothing like being in the middle of a task and forgetting why you walked into another room or opened a drawer/cupboard. Or basic words and names of things. Constantly.
Between dealing with ‘mommy brain’, the pup (who is now 9 months old – stands at 34″ inches tall to his back and weighs about 135lbs and is still growing) and trying to wrangle dad (who’s trying to be more independent now that I’m pregnant) I’m surviving.  Actually that is the best way to describe my current situation: surviving. I know I’m not the only one to have ever gone through all these changes at once nor will I be the last but I’m surviving. 🙂  Everything seems to be a first for myself and the hubster.

So that’s what’s been happening with me lately.  🙂


Found victims this week: 1/2 tub of sour cream that had expired near the end of 2013 – ack! And well this one I’ll admit was more of my fault – WalMart brand of Greek Yoghurt, it just didn’t get eaten b/c of texture issues and thinning it out didn’t help.  SO it sat. And sat. Hoping that one day I’d suck it up and eat it but I just couldn’t.  It was so thick that drywall compound looks runny next to it. Yeah. That’s bad. Only wasted 1/2 a tub of that.

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)


Oops – missed last week’s post as well. Life has been happening around here !  There has been some waste but not a lot. I had purchased berries and managed to get through half of them til dad decided to push them to the death zone. You know, to the back of the fridge. To die.   I often wonder if he’s trying to give me a subtle hint about having berries in our fridge sometimes.  Wasted were 1/2 pint of blackberries, 1/2 pint raspberries and 1/2 box of strawberries. At least I got to taste them this time.  I believe 1/2 container (1c) of sour cream got banished as well.

One can only move onwards and upwards from here right? 🙂

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)


Happy New Year!!

I’m happy to report no waste!! Yeehaw!  What a great way to kick off the first ‘Food Waste Friday’ of 2013 2014!

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)

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