No waste this week!  I turned all the leftover produce into another crockpot of ‘clean out the fridge vegetable/lentil soup’ 🙂  This might be my new trick seeing that it works so well around here.   Our produce consumption has decreased probably because its winter and well…raw veggies don’t fly off outta the fridge as fast as they do in the hot summers.  I wonder if this decrease has contributed to us all catching colds more often? After all we’re not eating our vitamins like we used to and we’re not ones to take multivitamins/supplements. Hmm….

How’d you do?

On Friday’s, I share what food items that I have ‘wasted’ by letting spoil during the week from forgetfulness and/or neglect. Kristen over at The Frugal Girl has inspired me to publicly post in hopes of reducing waste. (Food Waste Friday is now being co-hosted every other week with Simply Being Mum – pop on over to take a peek!)